What started as a need that founder Dominique felt as a young adult attempting to navigate her life with chronic illness and all the non-medical aspects of it created what is now InvisiYouth Charity. But as InvisiYouth has grown and evolved, we have done so many different projects and campaigns, and supported thousands of teens and young adults around the world living with any chronic illnesses, disabilities and mental health struggles. Here’s snapshots of our organization through the years.
After incorporating in March, InvisiYouth launched to the world as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in June with its earliest programs and message of empowerment and diverse representation of young adult chronic illness/disabilities. The Spotlight Story Program started and we began spreading our platform across newspapers, press releases and blogs around the United States and our first international connection, England.
From dance fundraisers, a capella university shows, children’s hospitals and supporting adapting sporting events, InvisiYouth began to connect to the community of young adults with health struggles. In October, InvisiYouth hosted its first set of Invisi-Events, multi-city events across the US and England with all chronically ill/disabled young people in attendance and connecting on social media during the day.
InvisiYouth’s growth of virtually activism continues. Founder Dominque travels to England Canada to set up connections to other nonprofits and meet young people of our volunteering. We gained two celebrity ambassadors, ESPN correspondent and Paralympic Gold Medalist Victoria Arlen, and British disability activist and Coronation Street and Grantchester actress Melissa Jons. In August, InvisiYouth partnered with the first adaptive triathlon, Superhero Tricks, with its own team that fundraised for the nonprofit.
The beginning of InvisiYouth’s new wave, February launched our first Global Brand Leaders Program with youth activists with chronic illness/disability doing outreach and fundraising with us. And, May brought the first virtual program of our nonprofit, InvisiYouth Chat Sessions: Video Podcast Chat Show, bringing life-improving advice and life stories forward. Plus, InvisiYouth celebrated its 3rd year as a Top-Rated Nonprofit.
InvisiYouth’s community of young people in utilizing our programming and gaining aid to thrive in their lives expanded to Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Australia. Our young adults got creative in building “hangout fundraisers” and donating portions of sales on some of their own products like cards, shirts and bracelets. And InvisiYouth deciphered its platform as “subtle activism” for what we coined as our “medically adult-ish”® population and resources. In December, we launched our first, and successful, fundraiser activism campaign, InvisiYouth Give Back Challenge.
After a successful UK documentary feature in The Dark Horse, the COVID-19 Pandemic hit & we paused our in-person podcasting to switch to Quarantine Coffee Break IG Lives. But InvisiYouth kept growing. Our community expanded to New Zealand and our virtual outreach solidified with fundraising. We set up a new campaign, Give Back Grid, and announced our partnership with beauty brand, I’m 4 Love.
As our virtual activism and programs and leadership strengthen, InvisiYouth stabilizes as a platform, empowering daily life improvement of teens and young adults with chronic illness/disability. We partnered with streetwear brand Nice Genes as a charitable supporter. In November, we launched InvisiYouth Charity Shop, exclusive to Etsy, with our Subtle Activism Color-Block bracelets. They’re made by chronically/disabled young people and 100% is donated to our programs.
It’s InvisiYouth 2.0! After three years of behind-the-scenes research and development, InvisiYouth relaunches with six resources to join its updated and revised programming. All digital-based, our revised volunteer program, community newsletter, new podcast audio resource and two new digital download, all aim to support young people with tools and activism to thrive in daily life with health struggles.
It’s official, InvisiYouth now reaches 10 countries as we have expanded our digital resource outreach and volunteering into Poland and the Netherlands. And it’s perfect timing since InvisiYouth announced the name of its community after eight years…InvisiYouth Galaxy Community. Like every star is unique while being part of one galaxy, every young adult living with chronic illness/disability has a unique experience while being part of this wider community! It coincided with our interactive fundraising activism campaign, #ShowMyStarChallenge, where people posted photos of stars and donated a $1 while challenging friends to do the same.
We have celebrated nine years of InvisiYouth Charity and our monthly, free digital resources are in their stride, with hundreds of young adults utilizing them each month. It’s allowed InvisiYouth to celebrate Top-Rated Nonprofit Status for the 8th consecutive year with GreatNonprofits, had our founder, Dominique, nominated with Global Genes for her activism of the young adult chronic illness/disability community, and opened our nonprofit to new parts of the world. Plus, InvisiYouth was able to collaborate with some wonderful people for fundraising collaborations, like The Bachelor franchise fan-favorite, Abigail Heringer, and her new memoir.
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