We LOVE donations! Whether it’s $5, $50 or more, donating to InvisiYouth Charity is the quickest and easiest way to show your support. Your money goes directly towards helping us spread awareness on teen patient advocacy and helping us provide this youth the tools they need to succeed and enjoy their lives.
Use hangouts with your friends as ways to pay it forward and raise money for InvisiYouth! Host any type of event like a movie night, a dance party, a pot-luck, a bake-off, or even a mini-soccer tournament. Grab your friends, set a fee and have fun raising that money! And after, make sure to tag @invisiyouth in your social media posts so your other friends can know about the awesome deed you were part of and money you raised. We’ve got a list of ideas to take your hangout to the “give back” level
Social media plays a key role in our daily life…so why not add a some philanthropy to your social media and help out with a click. Go on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram an YouTube and hit that FOLLOW button so you can keep our community growing.
You can create an informal InvisiYouth Club with your friends to help fundraise and promote teen illness awareness to your peers. Plus, we love it when other organizations or businesses want to work with InvisiYouth, bring us in as guest speakers, or partner up on campaigns so we can help even more people around the world. Partnering on fundraisers or programs, speaking on joint panels, promoting joint social media campaigns, collaboration with other nonprofits is critical.
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