
Who We Are

Our Mission

Launched in 2015, InvisiYouth Charity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that helps teens and young adults around the world with various chronic illnesses and disabilities (both in physical or mental health) gain the right lifestyle tools, virtual resources, leadership programs, and interactive empowerment campaigns to learn how to keep living life and thrive with any health struggles. With InvisiYouth, older youth and their support systems can become empowered in all the non-medical aspects of their lives with any illness, both visible or invisible. It is our mission that this unsupported population–what InvisiYouth defines as the “medically adult-ish®” because they are the teen-young adult population living with chronic illness/disability/mental health–have all the knowledge and resources to never ‘wait for the cure/recovery’ in order to live a life with happiness, fun and success.

Through InvisiYouth Charity’s medically adult-ish® driven platform, these young people and their support they’ve always needed to succeed every day in all the aspects of life (from their work life, personal life, educational life, social life AND health life) and recognize ALL illnesses and disabilities whether they are visible or not.

“These teens and young adults are NOT “invisible” patients. For InvisiYouth, these “invincible” young people deserve better support with resources and avenues for advocacy made for them to navigate life with illness/disability.”

~Dominique Viel, founder

What We Do

InvisiYouth Charity is motivated to work alongside teen and young adult patients dealing with both physical and mental health, visible and invisible illness and empower them to harness their own voice. There is a void of anything that could provide lifestyle management for teens and young adults with chronic illnesses like resources, leadership programs, activism and fun life guides, and your personal growth and representation can be found at InvisiYouth.

Our work specializes in creating resources and programs that improve the tangible-tomorrow for older youth with illness, to never allow “medically adult-ish”® young people to feel they are waiting for a cure or recovery to happen in their lives, but to gain the tools and experiences so they can continue to live authentic lives.

It is our mission to have our work reach its goal of helping these deserving young people in their daily life, so every day is improved, not just the idea of a better future. We aim to give a platform for those usually unseen so they are celebrated with equal representation to those with physical illness. We achieve this through our FREE monthly resources, programs and interactive activism campaigns.

It is important to note that InvisiYouth is a life improvement and personal development nonprofit that’s non-medical based in the resources and programming we provide.  We are not medical professionals providing medical advice or direction on medical treatment; all advice, suggestions and examples mentioned through InvisiYouth should be discussed with one’s medical team prior to trying. At InvisiYouth, we’re the vessel housing all our resources/programs/activism and every individual is responsible for the way they utilize them in their non-medical aspects of life.

Want to get the behind the scenes impact on what has made InvisiYouth Charity change the lives of so many teens and young adults around the world? Wanna know what people are saying about InvisiYouth? Check out just a few testimonials below:

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