Jumping right back into the swing of virtual programming with an all new season of our popular series, #InvisiYouthChatSessions: A Video Podcast Chat Show!
Settling in for Season 5, there are going to be some major upgrades to our virtual program, but we’ll be keeping lots of the same so that classic feel will still remain. It’s our fusion of entertainment and education with this monthly video podcast series!
Why Subscribe to Season 5:
And for Audio Flash Files, the other show on our podcast, we’re giving you a theme this year! Each AFF is packed with personal growth you can take into so many different relationships and dynamics in your life as you live with chronic illness/disability!
InvisiYouth is acting like the communication mediator in this set of Audio Flash Files! Let’s be real: when you’re a young person living with a chronic illness or disability, it can be challenging to communicate with people in our lives and feel that we’re being heard and understood. So each Audio Flash File will focus on a new dynamic, and break it down for you how our mediator skills can be interpreted to fit your life and needs so you can thrive
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