
Introducing InvisiYouth's First Addition to its New Digital Resources, InvisiYouth Galaxy Glossary​

February 1, 2022​

Introducing the #InvisiYouthGalaxyGlossary! A dictionary to improve your daily life that’s never looked so cool! Our digital resource provides practical advice for living life with chronic illness/disability as young adults. It will define tools, theories, practices and terms to give young people a glossary interpretive enough to fit the uniqueness of life and open perspectives on living fully.

This monthly and FREE resource allows for a quick tool you can always access, save, and download when you’re looking for mindsets and advice on improving your daily life while living with any chronic illness/disability. There’s countless ways to live life, but at InvisiYouth, we want to provide tools you can interpret into the way you want to thrive and succeed. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ mentality at InvisiYouth, so you can fall anywhere on our spectrum, and even just reaffirm your beliefs by learning about each mind-opening glossary addition!

Every term/theory with InvisiYouth Galaxy Glossary will be available on our website’s new Glossary tab, OR in our IG highlights. So you can download or save every month’s addition!

Plus, our InvisiYouth Galaxy Glossary will be connected to another NEW PROGRAM that’s launching in April!! So you’ll get to see the flow of connected virtual resources coming out of InvisiYouth even more next month! Stay tuned!