Introducing the InvisiYouth Freestyle Volunteers Program! Volunteering for a good cause has never been so easy!
With a quick sign up, you’re notified of volunteer projects (anything from social media shares, fundraising, activism campaigns, program and outreach support, etc) and you select based on your interests, free time and how you feel. It’s all about giving back in quick ways.
Our volunteer program is getting a MAJOR UPGRADE as we make it flexible to participate as much or little as possible, and flexible to adapt to your health needs and life structure any any point!
Plus, we have TWO divisions of volunteer groups!
The “MEDICALLY ADULT-ISH”™ DIVISION so all of our community, and even their support network, family/friends, our allies and the general public looking to volunteer can get involved.
The “HEALTHCARE STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS” DIVISION is for all those working or studying to work in all the fields of medicine like being a nurse, doctor, PT/OT, psychology, and more can now take part in giving back to a community that’ll be part of their patient group. So when you work in healthcare, donate your time to learn how to be more empowered in supporting future young adult patients, and boosting your resume and skills by giving back to them!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Sign Up starts NOW, so get ready to become one of our flexible volunteers in either of the two divisions! All you have to do is fill out our quick sign up form, and when our first email listing for volunteers is ready to be sent out, you’ll get that email!
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