
Current News

Tag: college

Spotlight Story Program: Meet Jasmine Chen

Perseverance, energy, adaptability, joy and wisdom. These are all traits we try to supply to all our young adults in the InvisiYouth community, and all perfect descriptors of our newest Spotlight Story Program feature writer, Jasmine Chen. From New Jersey, Jasmine is not your average 28 year old because she’s also a double lung transplant […]

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Spotlight Story Program: Rachel Mayo's Story

Meet Rachel Mayo As a university freshman, Rachel was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and it changed her way of way. But Rachel decided to take her new diagnosis and not just better her life, but motivate others with T1D to do the same. And she’s been doing that across the United States ever since. Plus…we’re […]

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The Invisible Illness Chronicles: It Can Be Exhausting to Feel Like You Need To Act Healthy When You Don’t Feel Healthy

October 17th 2017 I constantly get questions about the hacks to living with chronic illness (I mean, that’s what InvisiYouth Charity’s mission in life is all about). Those questions double when it comes to life with an invisible illness. It only seemed appropriate that with part of my monthly blog I would wrote some blogs […]

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All of Those Exhilarating Peaks and Mega Excitements of My England Travels for InvisiYouth Charity

August 31st 2017 I recently took a trip to England all in the name of expanding InvisiYouth’s new programs and meeting with some of the amazing InvisiYouth supporters we’ve come to love and support over the years and charities we’ve admired for a while.  We have heard from some many of you that you wanted to […]

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Spotlight Story Program: Katy's Story

Meet Katy Baker Since before she can remember, Katy has been part of the healthcare system dealing with a congenital heart defect called Scimitar Syndrome. But what has defined her medical life has not defined Katy’s personal life.  She’s a university student, on a competitive trampoline team, and rare disease activist that’s using her voice […]

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Spotlight Story Program: Emily's Story

Meet Emily Levy After years of mysterious illness symptoms and suffering, Emily Levy was finally given a diagnosis of neurological Lyme disease, but that did not stop Emily for achieving her dreams.  Now as a successful boss lady and creator of the company Mighty-Well, Emily has decided to take her experience and give back to […]

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illness chronic illness activism chronic illness advice chronic illness awareness chronic illness blogger chronic illness group chronic illness support chronic illnessc Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome chronic youth australia chrons chrons disease claire wineland clothing brand cochlear implants coffee coinfections college college students comorbidities complex regional pain syndrome confidence congential heart defect coronation street costochondritis COVID covid19 pandemic advice Coxsackie virus CP CP Teens crohns crohns disease CRPS Cures Act curved spine custom tees dancing dancing with the stars dark horse deaf deaf community deaf culture december december give back challenge Degrassi design student diabetes diagnosis diagnosis journey disability disability acting disability activism disability actors disability advice disability awarenes disability awareness disability model disability rights disability sports disability support disability tips disability tops disablity discount documentary donate donate life donate life america donate now donate today donating donation donations donor dorney lake double lung transplant DWTS east 15 acting school EDS education EFDS Ehlers Danlos Syndrome empower empowerment endometriosis England entreprenuer epilepsy Epstein Barr virus ESPN ESPN correspondent Essex ethical clothes ethical consumerism etsy etsy shop event events everything everything facebook family fashion fatigue feature female director female entreprenuers female founder feminist fibromyalgia film flare up FND founder founder's blog fowler's syndrome friends and family functional neurological disorder functional seizures funding fundraise fundraiser fundraiser event fundraising gbl all star gbl ambassador gbls genetic disorder genz girl boss girl boss blogger give back give back challenge give back grid givebackgrid giving tuesday global brand leaders global brand leaders program global charity gluten goal setting goals gp graphic designer hangout hangouts happiness hard of hearing hashimoto's disease health health advocacy healthcare healthcare advocacy healthcare advocate hearing aids hearing loss heath advocacy heathcare heds hidden disability high school hip replacement HMSA hoboken holidays hoodies hospital hospital advice hospitals how to hypermobility hypertension hypothyroidism ice hockey IgA immunodeficiency iheart radio ileocaecal crohns disease Illinois illness im 4 love immune system inclusive inclusive casting influencer instagram instagram live international interstitial cystitis invisibile illness invisible disability invisible illnes invisible illness invisible illness advice invisible illness awareness invisievents invisiyouth invisiyouth charity invisiyouth charity shop invisiyouth chat sessions invisiyouth global brand leaders itv IYC Brand Leader jdrf la las vegas leadership leadership program leukemia life advice life hacks lifestyle lifestyle hacks limb difference lip gloss lipstick liver disease liver failure liver transplant london los angeles love love your scar lung disease lung transplant lupus lupus awareness lupus awareness month lupus sle lyme lyme disease lyme disease uk makeup brand makeup line manchester marathon marfan marfan syndrome marketing maryland MCAS medical equipment meet ups meetups mental health mental health activism mental health awareness mental health blogger Midnight Sun mighty well millennial advice millennials miniseries model monthly monthly blog motivation motivational speaker motivator movie multi-city narcolepsy national donate life neurological neurological condition new jersey new year new york new york city new zealand news news archive news article nhs nice genes nomination nominee nonprofit nyc olympics operation organ donation organ donor organ transplant organization OUAS pacemaker pain pain management parliament partnership pediatric pediatrics perscriptions philanthropgy philanthrophic philanthrophy philanthropic philanthropy physical disability physical health physical therapy physio physiotherapy podcast podcast advice podcast hacks podcast tips podcasting post traumatic stress disorder postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome POTS profound deafness programming promotion PTSD pulmonary pulmonary hypertension purse radio rare disease recycled clothes Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy relationship relationship advice relay for life respiratory respiratory physiotherapy respiratory syncytial virus restrictive lung disease retinitis pigmentosa rider university role model RSD RSV Scitmitar Syndrome scoliosis scoliosis surgery scotland scottish scrunchies seizures selfcare setting goals severe gluten intolerance shop sick chick singing social media spinal cord injury sponsor sponsors sponsorship spoonie spoonie blogger spoonie hacks spoonie life sports spotify spotlight spotlight story spotlight story program story storytelling streetwear sts suffering the silence superhero series superhero tri support system supporters swimmer Switched at Birth t1d tachycardia Takayasu's Disease Takayasu’s tbi tee spoonies teen teen advice teens television The Fault in Our Stars The Fosters The Mix theatre therapy tips tourettes tourettes syndrome trampoline transplant transplant story transplant survivor transplant warrior Transverse Myelitis trauma traumatic brain injury travel triathlon triplec tv twitter type 1 diabetes UK umbilical hernia undiagnosed uni student United Kingdom united states university usa usher syndrome usher syndrome type 2 vascular Victoria Arlen Victoria's Victory Foundation video video podcast virtual program virtual programs virtual volunteers visual impairment volunteer volunteering volunteerings wales warrior washington DC ways to donate WEGO Health wego health awards wheelchair wheelchair user Wonder world vision australia writer xray ya yorkshire young adult young adults youth youth activism YouTube zebedee talent